ALL CULTURES - Someone who enjoys all kinds of fetishes.
BACK DOOR - Anal sex.
CAN ENTERTAIN - Someone who invites others to his home for a swing party.
CAN TRAVEL - Someone who is willing to travel for a swing party.
CLOSED SWINGING - Couples go to swing in separate rooms of the same house.
COMMUNITY MEMBER - Someone who thinks that swinging is more than sex - it's a way of life.
DP - Double Penetration
GROUP ROOM - Room furnished wall to wall with mattresses - it's only for group swinging.
HOST - Someone who organises swing parties in his house.
INDOOR SPORTS - Swinging activities in general.
MARITAL AIDS - Dildos, toys, vibrators..
MENAGE A' TROIS - Three people having sex together - two are of the same sex and one is of the opposite.
MORESOMES - More than three people swinging.
OFF PREMISE - Events where no actual swinging is allowed - use it to meet new people, get to know one another, etc.
ON PREMISE - Sex is allowed but there are "safe" rooms where no sexual activities can be performed.
OPEN SWINGING - A swinging party where couples are free to swing in the same room as other swingers.
P/P - Photo and phone number (used in personal ads).
RECREATIONAL SWINGER - A person who practices swinging just for fun with no desire for emotional attachment.
ROMAN CULTURE - Sexual orgies
RUBBER - Condom, a means of contraception. Also sexual stimulation through the look, feel and smell of rubber, usually associated with B&D.
S.A.S.E - Self-addressed stamped envelope.
SOCIAL - A party, dance, or general gathering for social interaction only, there is no swinging at a social.
SOCIAL SWING CLUB - A swing club, usually requiring membership.
SOFT SWINGING - A swinging party where sexual activity is available, but is not required, or expected.
SWAPPING - Two couples exchanging partners for sexual activity.
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